Beyond Meat Makes Time’s “Exciting Startups” List

The new source says Beyond Meat is an innovative step toward a more eco-friendly food system.

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Amid Time Magazine’s tech-laden list of “Top 10 Exciting Startups,” is Beyond Meat, a vegan faux company that has fooled food writers, gotten the financial backing of business bigwigs, and now has national circulation at Whole Foods Market. Time notes that Beyond Meat is innovative due to its promising potential to reform an unsustainable food system built on animal agriculture, and shows progress toward combating the world’s current food shortage. “The food, which requires significantly fewer resources to create than the raising and processing of chickens on factory farms, could prove an essential food source for people worldwide in the future,” writes the news source in the Business and Money section of its website. Other companies listed by Time include cyber currency bank Coinbase, mobile app Snapchat, and dating website Tinder.

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