Major Tobacco Company Stops Testing On Animals

After a shareholder resolution submitted by PETA, the nation’s third largest tobacco company will discontinue animal testing.


Lorillard Tobacco Company recently announced that it will no longer use animals as research subjects and will utilize alternative technologies such as in vitro cell cultures, advanced chemistry, and computer models to conduct testing, unless future regulatory requirements obligate them to do otherwise. The change came about after People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals submitted a shareholder resolution in December 2013 that urged Lorillard to keep animals out of laboratories and to adopt alternative cruelty-free testing methods. The company complied with PETA’s pleas and released a new Animal Use Policy statement on its website last Friday. “Lorillard’s progressive new policy banning tests on animals establishes it as an industry leader that is embracing modern science instead of traditional animal testing,” says PETA Director Justin Goodman.

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