Vegan Food is a Thriving Billion Dollar Industry

Veganism’s market share increases as America’s consumer-base becomes more health-conscious and ethically oriented.

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The vegan industry is experiencing an unprecedented boom in business, especially during the holiday season. Savory centerpieces such as Field Roast and Tofurky are now satiating the appetites of omni and veggie diners while myriad mainstream establishments, ranging from Johnny Rockets to PF Chang’s, are grabbing a piece of the $2.8 million pie with veg-friendly menu offerings. The plant-based industry’s lucrativeness was recently spotlighted by Fox Business, in an interview with Annie Shannon—author of Betty Goes Vegan—and branding guru Bruce Turkel, who both talked about the increasing appeal and accessibility of vegan food. Turkel noted that it’s not just staunch cruelty-free advocates that are dining on plant-based fare, but the 23 million people who claim to have “vegetarian influenced” diets.