White Castle Veggie Sliders Now Vegan

After increased demand, the fast-food chain veganizes its bun—making the entire burger vegan.


Popular fast-food chain White Castle received People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ Kind Fast Food award for its recent switch to a vegan bun on its veggie sliders. Although the popular eatery has served a meat-free burger since last year, only recently has the company removed l-cysteine—an additive derived from duck feathers—from its burger buns. The patty is made by Dr. Praeger’s and contains peas, carrots, zucchini, spinach, broccoli, and Sweet Thai sauce, and costs 99¢ each. White Castle said it is “committed to … listening to our customers and keeping up with changing tastes by developing new menu items.” “With an animal- and health-conscious public clamoring for vegan options like never before, White Castle’s new veggie burger slider makes sound business sense,” PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman said. “PETA’s award lets people who are looking for a vegan meal on the go know that they can eat like kings and queens at White Castle.”

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